Passion Projects

Home Server Setup Preview

Home Lab

2019 - Present | My servers are where I get to experiment and apply the knowledge that I learn. These machines allow me to run a variety of applications such as websites, game servers, APIs, on high performance hardware.
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Docker
  • Operating Systems
  • CI/CD
  • Terminals
Home Server Setup Preview

Smart Budget Web Application

2022 - Present | Smart Budget is an app that I created to help interact with my spendings more. Instead just paying off another number in your credit card statements, here you can organize, interact and visualize how much you're spending!
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • JWT

Other Noteworthy Projects

Valorant DuoQ

2022 | A matchmaking app that matches 2 Valorant players together based on filters and stats.
  • MongoDB
  • ExpressJS
  • ReactTS
  • NodeJS
  • Ubuntu Server
  • Apache2
  • Git (GitHub)
  • Typescript
  • Styled Components

Professional Valorant Player Network Analysis

2022 | In this project, we web scraped professional Valorant player data off of We then constructed the network and used various network analysis techniques to analyze our constructed network. As the game is somewhat new, there is a lack of data and thus we used machine learning to do predictions.
  • iPython Notebooks
  • Python
  • Selenium
  • Matplotlib
  • Sklearn
  • Tensorflow
  • Seaborn
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Gephi

Personal Website

2023 | Currently, this website is the second version of my website that I've built.
  • NextJS
  • ReactTS
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Apache2
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • GitLab CI
  • Docker

Gym Tracks

2022 | A simple gym tracking app built focused on building interfaces for the users. Task Centered System Design was the technique used to build this app, which provides guidelines on how to identify our users, gather requirements, design the interface and walkthrough the interface with tasks.
  • C#
  • Blazor
  • CSS
  • HTML